Light & Sound [click to play] Light & Sound
Early career technology professional with working experience in data science and machine learning. Coursework in computer science, statistics, and mathematics. Graduated from the University of Michigan in April 2021 with a BSc in data science and a minor in mathematics. Former Data Scientist @ IBM.
More informal information follows here, feel free to skip... In a past life, I was a semi-professional soccer player, but now I play strictly as a fun hobby. In my free time, I enjoy working with math-related programming tasks, such as computer graphics, machine learning, and game programming. Currently designing a new game... exciting!
Furthermore, I am an avid fan of sound. Yes, music is included in this, but sound on its own, too. I often carry a recorder with me to gather interesting noises, whether it be for personal use in creating original music or sound FX, ideas for sound design in Ableton, or just for memory's sake to capture and replay a certain moment in my life.
I recently attended language school in Japan for 9 months from 2023 to 2024, along the way coming to love the feeling of speaking another language, as well as experiencing different lifestyles and cultural values. Even though my times as an official 日本語学生 have ended, I still enjoy studying the language on my own via reading novels and watching the news or 実況 of videogames. I also passed the JLPT N3 with full A grades, and am awaiting my results on the final hurdle for being employable in the Japanese tech industry... N2 certification! Considering the N1 as well... scary!
Programming languages: C++, C#, Python, R, SQL, Scala, PHP, JavaScript & HTML/CSS
Technologies & frameworks: Unity Engine, C++ STL, SKLearn, Apache Spark, Tensorflow, PyTorch, CUDA, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pillow, OpenCV, Git, Visual Studio & VSCode, Jupyter Notebooks, DAWs (Ableton Live Studio 11 & Logic)
Relevant Coursework: Data Structures & Algorithms, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Database Management Systems, Linear Algebra, Multivariate & Vector Calculus, Real Analysis, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Applied Regression Analysis, Theoretical Statistics, Bayesian Data Analysis
Interests: Game development, software development, graphics programming, mathematics, music production, sound design, audio engineering, live performance, jazz music, 日本語, 中文